Hamilton City Council WWTP Digester

Hamilton City Council WWTP and Digester Capacity Upgrades
Description of facility: 

Cogeneration from digester gas

Entec Services installed and commissioned a Waukesha VHP2900G cogeneration package at the Council's Pukete Road wastewater treatment plant in 1985. This unit operates on digester gas, and is rated for a continuous output of 230kWe. Engine controls and electrical switchgear were supplied by Schneider.

The Waukesha engine achieved in excess of 50,000 hours before a cylinder head overhaul was required. This unit is fitted with a data logger, which shows the system availability to be in excess of 98%. The system operated for a total of some 110,000 Hours before the unit was sold to the Tauranga City Council for use at the Chapel Street Waste Water Treatment plant.

2011 and ongoing (Spiire NZ) - Digester performance assessment and design/construction/commissioning of a digester system upgrade that will increase the digesters capacity to cater for the increasing loading of the plant by upgrading of the mixing system and addition of recuperative sludge thickening.

Facility type: 
Water Treatment
Technology type: 
Pond Digester
Liquid Trade waste
Primary Output: 
Pukete Road, Pukete, Waikato,New Zealand
Upper North Island
Geo Location: 
Equipment supplier: